This well formed track meanders through dense high altitude cool-subtropical rainforest to a viewing platform with spectacular views into the centre of the Mt Warning caldera. On a clear day, the point of Byron Bay and its Lighthus are clearly seen. Along the track there are many threatened plant species and Often this walk is shrowded in mist. It can be a magical experience, with hanging mosses driping with water, tree ferns, many epiphytes and a low but dense canpy. Anarctic Beech are one hihlight of this remarkable and ancient remnant forest. The elusive Albert's Lyrebird is a common user of this track and the surrounding forests; during certain tines of the year it can be both seen and heard from the track. Other common birds include the ancient Logrunner and the tine Scrub Wren. The vibrant Regents Bower Bird is often seen flying through the canopy below the ;ookout.