Best Of All Lookout

On a cool misty day, this location is simply magical! Mosses drip with cloud mist and the cool air filters through a myriad of ferns, vines and rainforest trees and shrubs. But on a clear day, Best of All Lookout offers spectacular views of the Tweed Valley, from Coolangatta to Murwillumbah, to Mt Warning and the distant Byron Bay. The 300m walking track to the lookout traverses through magical cool subtropical rainforest, one of the few places in the hinterland that this type of forest is easily accessible. Ancient Antarctic Beech Trees form much of the canopy at the lookout and this is the northern-most limit that this iconic species occurs in Australia.

The surrounding forest has a high concentration of threatened flora and fauna and many rare plant species can be seen along the track. If you're lucky you might spot the rare Albert's Lyrebird! Many of the species in higher forests depend on regular low-lying cloud, just like a cloud forest, which provides shade and moisture through otherwise drier periods. Incredibly, new discoveries are still being made near Best of All Lookout including a newly described small mammal, the Springbrook Bear (Antechinus arktos), and a newly described tree, the ancient Springbrook Leatherwood (Eucryphia jinksii), offering yet another glimpse in the area's Gondwanan history. These two species are found near Best of All Lookout... but nowhere else in the world!

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